618 West 41st Street
Hibbing, MN 55746


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Shubat Transportation News

Shubat Transportation's "Stuff the Bus" a Success
Event raised a bus full of food, $541 in monetary donations

November 3, 2010 - Hibbing, MN: Shubat Transportation held their first ever "Stuff the Bus" food drive this past weekend. The event turned out to be a huge success.

The food drive was held in the Super One Foods parking lot in Hibbing on Friday and Saturday, October 29th and 30th. Community members were challenged to "stuff" and entire school bus with food donations, which would then be brought to the Hibbing food shelf.

For two days, Shubat employees accepted donation after donation. By Saturday night, the bus was full! Every seat was full, and the floor was lined with bags of donations. On Monday morning, the bus was driven to the food shelf where it took 5 people over a half hour to unload all of the bags!

Shubat Transportation would like to extend thanks to all of the community members who donated to this food drive. We would also like to give a huge thank you to Super One Foods in Hibbing and all of their employees, Kelly at the Hibbing Daily Tribune, and Renee Passal at WDIO 10/13. Without your help and support this food drive would not have been nearly as successful as it was.

Keep an eye out for next year's "Stuff the Bus." We hope to surpass this year's donation!
